Our Commercial Projects
“I am aware that in nature, one can find a different plant dispersed amongst others, but when I compose a park or a square, I am bringing order so as to make nature more accessible; speaking from experience, I can say that the plant in large groups becomes easier to comprehend.”
From the Roberto Burle Marx Lectures, edited by Gareth Doherty.
Imiloa Astronomy Education Center, Native and Canoe Plant Garden
Inspired by Hawaiian Land Divisions per Mary Pukui in Native Planters, By Handy, Handy and Pukui
From Study to Institution
“A designer must study and understand the idiosyncrasies of a given project, for that is where the initial inspirations and indications come from. Design is not about preconceived ideas, and it does not spring from the air - it is a studied reaction to a given set of conditions. Then intuition kicks in and brings fluidity and magic to the scheme.”
From Dan Kiley, The Complete Works of America’s Master Landscape Architect by Dan Kiley and Jane Amidon
Philosophy of Designing
“It has often been pointed out that 20th-century painting and physics share a common tendency toward probing behind appearances into the underlying structure of things; that the retreat from likeness in painting is akin to sciences peering far within the surface of the matter.”
From Beyond Appearance, by C.H. Waddington.
“It is important that the garden be built around a dominant idea. Do one thing well, and let all others be subordinate to it. If it is to be a central grass plot surrounded by a flower border, do not clutter the area with miscellaneous planting and garden ornament, which will diminish the dramatic effect of the scale of the original conception.”
From Gardens Are for People, by Thomas D. Church.
“For all its technical precision, Murase’s work often brings to mind monuments built by indigenous cultures. He frequently describes his work as neolithic or primordial.”
From Robert Murase, Stone, and Water, text by Michael Leccese.
MAKALEI PLACE RESIDENCE ‐ Cut Blue Rock from Kapaa Quarry, Waterwall, Island with Bronze Sculpture, Owner: I want to see inside Diamond Head